Page: Sustainability

Our commitment to people and planet

Jacobsen appreciates the care and consideration you put into creating the spaces where you live, work and play. Which is why we take responsibility for making your choice a little easier by working with our suppliers and partners to provide environmentally sound flooring systems. 

We have implemented many initiatives to keep our environmental and ethical standards high, and ensure we are providing the best flooring systems for the environment and our community. 

"Mō tātou, a, mō ngā uri ā muri ake nei. For us and our children after us."

Impact Report

March 2024

Taking Our Future Seriously
Tino ātawhaingia āpōpō

Transparency is important to us and the release of our Jacobsen Impact Report is a significant milestone. We have a core value to ‘Create Positive Impact’ and in delivering this report it’s one further step in doing so and holding ourselves accountable. It’s an opportunity for us to pause, reflect, celebrate our progress, and look ahead at further areas of improvement.

We firmly integrate sustainability and impact into the way we do everything. It is a continually evolving journey and this report marks our progress at this point in time which we are proud to share with you.

Read Report

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Page: Sustainability

Toitū carbonzero certified

In 2019 as part of our mission to ensure the longevity and sustainability of our planet we signed onto the Toitū carbonreduce certification scheme. To further extend our carbon reduction goals, we are thrilled to now be Toitū carbonzero certified!

This certification from Toitū Envirocare is proof that we are taking action against climate change. It means we are committed to continually reducing our emissions, not just offsetting them. Compliance with the programme is independently verified annually to ensure we maintain this certification. 

View Certificate

Summary Report


Jacobsen is committed to creating a sustainable sourcing culture, an important part of our commitment to the social and environmental wellness. We aim to work with suppliers who put their people and the environment at the forefront of their business, and our Re.Spect icon signifies the expectation we have of them in the areas of ethical business, labour and human rights, health and safety, environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility. 

Promoting social and environmental responsibility in our supply chain through transparency is important and therefore we ask all our suppliers to comply with and sign a ‘Code of Conduct’ to ensure future commitment to our business undertakings. This ensures our suppliers meet or surpass a minimum set of standards that meet our business values. 

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Sustainable Products

Using sustainable products is a great way to reduce our footprint, but which ones are best?

We are passionate about sourcing products that meet strict environmental and ethical standards in their production, and where possible that can be reused or recycled into new products at the end of their life. Whether it’s samples or technical specification support you require, our dedicated team of Sales Representatives are here to support you in bringing your projects to life and are available by phone or email, and for consultations virtually or in person. You can view a full list of our products and their certifications below:

Product Sustainability


Helping to Reduce Landfill Waste.

Construction and industrial waste is a significant challenge across New Zealand. In an effort to divert material from landfill and as part of our ongoing commitment to the environment and socially responsible flooring, Jacobsen launched Re.Form, a Product Stewardship programme that utilises the principles of the waste hierarchy, putting emphasis on the re-use of flooring before considering recycling, and with disposal or landfill as a last resort. 

Given that there are no New Zealand-based recycling schemes that can utilise flooring waste, our Re.Form program provides an easy solution as we facilitate the return of materials in re-useable condition from the flooring contractors who uplift them. If materials aren’t suitable for re-use, we will collect them from the construction site and arrange for them to be sent back to the supplier to be recycled back into the manufacturing process.

We make this customer-centric program straightforward by providing durable bags to collect all flooring offcuts; contractors simply need to collect the waste and bag it. We then organise the collection of the bag and take care of sorting the material, ensuring it ends up where it needs to be. You can read more about our Re.Form program in our inaugural Jacobsen Impact Report.


Find out more

Page: Sustainability

Re.Form partnerships

As flooring distributors, we aren’t manufacturing or installing any product so collaboration with our suppliers and customers is key to the success of this program. 

We donate high-quality, reusable carpet tiles to Habitat for Humanity who either sell or utilise them for projects. Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organisation that works with families in need of housing and Jacobsen are proud to be actively involved in helping them meet their critical goal of eliminating substandard housing. 

We have also partnered with suppliers who are making products designed with the circular economy in mind. Through Tarkett, Shaw Contract and Regupol, we can ensure selected product ranges can go back into the manufacturing stream to make new products. Unfortunately we aren’t able to take back everything at present, you can view the products that are suitable for our Re.Form program on our Product Sustainability Matrix. 

At Jacobsen, we aim to use our influence and initiative to inspire others and create further change in the industry. We are happy to attend toolbox meetings to educate your team on this program or support your business with additional advice on sustainable practices. Let us know how we can help by contacting your Jacobsen Sales Representative directly.  

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Page: Sustainability

Sustainable Business Awards

Creating positive impact and understanding the environmental burden of doing business is a core value for Jacobsen. The initial success of Re.Form resulted in the programme being named a finalist in the 2020 Sustainable Business Awards in the ‘Outstanding Collaboration’ category, illustrating our active work towards protecting the environment by drawing on the strengths and unique advantages of our suppliers and partners to deliver impact which could not have been achieved alone.

Run by the Sustainable Business Network, New Zealand’s largest and longest-standing sustainable business organization, the Sustainable Business Awards recognise and celebrate success in sustainability.  

At Jacobsen, we strive to implement business practices that are in line with those of the Sustainable Business Network and will continue to do so to reduce our environmental footprint and tackle touch social challenges. 

New Zealand Green Building Council Member

We support the New Zealand Green Building Council with their work championing sustainable, green homes and buildings in Aotearoa.

View Certificate

Page: Sustainability